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Take Action

Access to period products is not only a public health concern but a political concern as well. In order to provide a solution to this issue legislative action will need to occur. A two fold approach is needed in which we work to provide additional period products to schools, but also educate elected officials on menstrual equity in schools.

County School Boards


Goal 1: To convey the gap in access to period products for students. 

Goal 2: To ask for a greater budget in providing period products to schools.

Goal 3: To have period product placed in school bathrooms. 

Georgia General Assembly


Goal 1: To convey the gap in access to period products for students.

Goal 2: To advocate for the allocation of funds to Departments of Education for schools and students.  

Goal 3: To ask for a budget line item providing period products to

title I schools.



Goal 1: To bring awareness to period poverty.

Goal 2: To add period products to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program benefits.



We Need Your Support Today!

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